Lots of new info on the FAQ's page!
Pirates Den Cane Corso
Mark, Jennifer & Matthew Messer
ph: 910-538-6422
Scandifio's "Ace" in the Hole
DOB March 20, 2008
Ace was born to Ch. Scandifio's Armani RIP X Eliska Georg Ret., that I co-bred with Tony Scandy.
He is a beautiful , loving boy that is very special to me.
This is my favorite photo of Ace. He is so attentive to me. He was staring up at me, I just moved the leash out of the way. :)
Scandifio's "Ace in the Hole" Di Andrews is living the life with Morgan in Raleigh, NC
Ace can still get major air at 5yrs old :)
I know... Ace has lots of Head Shots. I can't help myself. It's Soooo Beautiful.
Ace and his mom Morgan hanging out in the kitchen. Morgan's 5' 8" and her boy is as tall as she is. LOL
This is what I see every time I go outside. He is always listening for me.
Cherry Pie interrupted our training all day to play with her Buddy. LOL
I titled this shot, but, but, but. Ace and Cherry Pie stayed under Mark's feet all afternoon, as he tried to work. LOL
Ace's page is under construction. Check back often as I update his page with his accomplishments, more photos and an exciting announcement!
Pirates Den Cane Corso
Mark, Jennifer & Matthew Messer
ph: 910-538-6422